Three Ways to Market Your Business Using Video

Video marketing has become essential for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

As the world continues to shift towards into the digital realm, the need for good, relevant video content has become a top priority for more and more businesses around the globe. It’s becoming so important that popular social media platforms like Instagram are claiming that they are now a video sharing platform - not a photo sharing platform.

Why is this? Because the digital world has always struggled to build true, human connections between brands and their customers. Video has allowed for a more humanized experience, allowing potential customers to get more of a firsthand look at the company, their products, and what they stand for.

I know what you’re thinking: humanizing my brand through videos sounds great, but I don’t have the time or the budget to constantly create and post videos on my social media channels. The good news is that a video marketing strategy shouldn’t start with consumable videos that get posted on Instagram and then disappear 24 hours later. A good video marketing strategy should develop key digital assets that live on your website and social channels, and continue to provide value to your potential customers for a length of time.

So, where exactly should you invest your hard earned dollars if you want to dive into the world of video marketing and help your business grow in the long run? We’ve outlined a few ways to market your business using video, and create digital assets that you can use for the long run:

About Us / Intro Video

About Us / Intro videos are some of the best long term videos a business can invest in because they allow you to directly tell potential customers your story, and what makes your brand / products different. They are also great digital assets to have, as you can utilize them on your social media accounts, at trade shows and as advertisements.

The best place to house an About Us video, though? Right on your website’s home page. That way every new visitor to your site can very quickly and succinctly learn about your brand and what makes it unique. This means that, by investing in a single About Us video, you’ll be video marketing your brand to potential customers / website visitors for years to come.

Product Videos

Product videos showcase (you guessed it) your products either in action, or from multiple different angles and scenes, providing a more dynamic visual for your potential customers. Sure, product photographs are great and will always serve their purpose. But product videos take things up a notch.

Why? Because, as shopping and the world continue to move more and more online, that real world connectivity and experience of physically seeing a product diminishes more and more. With a good solid product video, your potential customers can get a somewhat true to life idea of how your product works, how it looks, and what the quality is like. Product videos can again be posted on social media, but a more effective location is right on the product pages themselves.

If you have products or services that are staples on your website, it may be worthwhile investing in these types of videos, as you will again be able to utilize them for years to come.

Behind the Scenes Video

Everyone loves a good behind the scenes (BTS) video - especially your brand’s fans. Why not show them how your products come to life? The great thing about BTS videos is that you don’t need a high budget production to pull them off. All you need to do is film around your work location using your smartphone and edit together a quick raw and authentic video. This will give your customers a quick glance into how your business operates, allowing them to feel more connected to the brand that they already love.

Want to make a BTS video that’s truly raw and authentic? Hop on Instagram Live and give everyone a tour of your work place. When you’re on IG Live, there’s no chance to edit your clips, add music and create a polished video. It’s a truly firsthand, unedited view of the day-to-day operations of your work environment. And the best part about doing an IG Live video? You can do it yourself, saving you from spending your hard earned dollars on video marketing.

Video Production in Toronto, Ontario

So, if you’re looking to market your business using video, About Us / Intro videos and product videos can be a great first step. If you want to give this a go but have no video experience, give us a shoutout here and we’d be happy to chat about making some kickass videos for you and your brand. Or, if you want to try out some BTS videos, hop on IG Live and give your brand’s fans a true, authentic experience.

Instagram: @boxymarketing

YouTube: @boxymarketing


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