Event Photography Ideas

So, you’re hosting an event, you’ve thought through all of the details, and you know you’ve put in enough work to ensure that the day will be a huge success. The only problem is, you don’t know how you’re going to capture the event so that you can share highlights of it on your social media profiles and website. Don’t fret. we have a few different event photography ideas that you can integrate into your event that will be both fun and cost effective.

First and foremost, the easiest way to gain great event photography coverage is to hire, you guessed it, an event photographer. That way, you’ll be ensured to receive great coverage of the event, and you won’t have to think about the photography portion from start to finish. The only caveat, of course, is that event photographers does come at a cost. And if you can find a great event photographer, the expense is well worth it for the high quality finished photos, as well as the lack of stress.

But, we get it, events are expensive, so saving costs where you can are a big plus. So, with that, here are a few fun, cost-effective event photography ideas you can integrate into your event - without hiring an event photographer.

Create an Event Hashtag

One of the easiest ways to get photography coverage for an event is to create a custom hashtag for it. That way, your attendees can take the photos for you, post them on their social media feeds, and include that event hashtag so all of the event photos are clumped together - kind of like a social media photo album. The great thing about using an event-specific hashtag is that you’ll end up with a lot of candid photos, as well as some real perspectives from the people who actually attended the event.

All you need to do is come up with a clever hashtag for the event, and then make sure you let your attendees know that there is an event hashtag. This could be as simple as hanging signs throughout the event with the hashtag on it. You could even have some of your staff members or friends encouraging attendees throughout the night to take pictures and utilize the hashtag.

Either way, an event hashtag costs nothing to create, and is a fun event photography idea that will encourage your attendees to participate with your event a little bit more.

Provide Selfie Stations

Another cost-effective way to attain event photos is to set up cameras on tripods throughout the event where guests can take selfies. The cameras can either be set to a timer with simple instructions for how to take a selfie photo, or, if you have people to help out, you could have a person stationed at each camera engaging with the guests and actually snapping the photos.

To make this work, you do need access to at least one camera and a tripod. These can be rented for the day if you don’t have them. If you want to keeps costs really low, you could also purchase a few disposable cameras, which will give you some pretty cool film photos of the day. These add a fun nostalgic vibe to events, and you can also scan the final photos later so that you can upload them onto your social media pages.

Use Your Own Phone

Camera phones have come a long way these days, and pretty much everyone has a decent quality camera sitting in their pockets. If all else fails and you can’t pull off any of the above event photography ideas, snap some photos on your phone throughout the night. Sure, you won’t end up with the super high quality photos you might get with a hired event photographer, but you’ll still end up with photos you can utilize on your social media accounts and website. And you’ll have visual evidence of how great that event you planned really was.

So, if you really want to incorporate some fun event photography ideas into your event, try creating your own event hashtag or set up some selfie stations. If all else fails, channel your inner event photographer, snap some photos on your own phone and have some fun.

Event Photographer Toronto Area

Looking to hire an event photographer & videographer for your next event in the Toronto area, including Oakville, Burlington, Mississauga, Brampton and Hamilton? We have the experience and equipment to ensure your event is properly covered, and looks incredible in the process. Reach out today to find how we can help.

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YouTube: @boxymarketing


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